Wednesday 23 November 2011

Day 192

                   Tadaaaa..let me introduce u my bro..hoho..cute  x??

Me : oppa..ex hanna mse kt skola dlu ttbe carik hanna..dye gne ibu dye sbgai alasan nk balik smula ngn hanna..sampah btul  la!! xde nye aku nk percayakan dye..

Dudu oppa : Zzzzzz (nga  tido jgn  kacau)

Me : -____-  

Phrases2him : four six eight..nite^^

Saturday 19 November 2011

Day 188

It would be cool if we could record our dreams and watch them later... except for nightmares, that shit can stay away.

phrases2him: No matter  how I'm still in <3 with u :p

Day 185